DIY Project for 2022: Memory Jar for Wins, Milestones, and Inspirations

It’s the beginning of 2022, and it’s the perfect time to start a new project that will inspire, motivate, and make you appreciate the little and big things in life.

Time seems to fly by, especially with everything happening in the world. Having kids to take care of makes life a lot busier leaving you with little time to stop and admire how wonderful life is.

The memory jar project is a great way to preserve great memories that would otherwise be left forgotten. The busier life gets, the less likely you will have the mental space to remember all the good things. For instance, do you still remember that one lovely compliment you heard from your toddler 2 years ago? Do you still remember when your child first rode the bicycle without assistance? A memory jar is one way to freeze these wonderful moments that inspire you and fuel your happiness. Here is how you do it:

  1. At the beginning of the year, create a memory jar. Just take a jar, a box, tin, or a vase and decorate it with fun colors that make you happy. Be as creative as you want. You can put a label on it that says memory jar or any text you wish.
  2. Place it on your desk or counter where you can see it easily. Place a pad and pen next to it. This is where you will write your memories.
  3. Throughout the year, whenever you have a positive memory you want to preserve, write it down and place the piece of paper inside the jar. Consider some experiences that you want to turn into preserved memory, these may include:

⦁        Anything someone said that made your day

⦁        Your accomplishments (both big and small)

⦁        Your kids’ milestones

⦁        Anything that made you feel happy

⦁        Something that inspired you

⦁        A happy experience like a vacation, a promotion, or reaching your business goals

⦁        Anything that motivated you

⦁        Funny things your kids said or did

⦁        Moments that made you proud


  1. At the end of the year, read all the things you’ve written to remember all the wins, milestones, and inspirations you’ve experienced in the past months.

This project is the perfect way to collect memories, practice gratitude, appreciate your life, and fuel your motivation so you can start the following year strong, happy, and grateful.

Tip: Be sure to include  all members of the family! Parents and Nannies can help younger kids write their notes,  you will be surprised how refreshing it can be to hear what sparks joy to them.

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