Written Interview
Why did you become a nanny?
I became a nanny because I love being with children. I love being able to make a difference in a child's life. I love helping the family feel they can go to their job and know their child is safe, happy and having fun. As a nanny we help a child to establish lifelong habits, such as sharing and manners and just learning to be a part of this world. I love watching the child grow and to know I also played a part in who they are. Children are a blessing and I have always made sure to never let anything happen to their precious children.
If the roles were reversed, what would that look like?
I would look for a nanny who is kind, loving, creative, trustworthy, punctual and flexible. A nanny who works together with the parents for the good of the child. I am that nanny.
Typical day for an Infant/toddler? (puzzles, reading, singing, time on mat?)
A typical day for an infant/toddler might be wake up, change diaper, get dressed and feed the child. Also playtime for baby, baby toys. We play together and sing, talk, read and maybe go for for a walk. Snack time and nap time. Change diaper , play floor time. Just lots of interaction with baby or toddler all day. Baby and toddlers need stimulation so age appropriate toys are needed. Never use anything not meant for the age of the child.
When do you take a break?
I would only take a break if the children are asleep.
How/when do you utilize TV/screens?
Only watch tv if the parents allow, but children especially babies are better off playing than watching tv.
What is your view of disciplining a child? Manners?
As a teacher and nanny disciplining a child is a lot of just redirecting. Then timeouts when older is usually effective. They only are in time out for the age they are. If a child is screaming in public or home you can talk calmly and remove them from the situation they are in. Most likely you can't really talk till they are calmed down to understand why they are screaming. If baby just maybe hungry, tired, sick and you do accordingly. Also whatever the parent says that they do you try to also do. Consistency is very important.
How would you keep my child safe out in public? At home?
keeping a child safe is very important so you need to be aware of where the child is at all times. You never ever leave a child alone.
How would you and your former employer work out any disagreements/conflicts of opinion?
The only real conflict was miscommunication of how something was to be done. The mom was a perfectionist and it was hard to please her no matter how hard you tried. She needed to let go and understand that there are different ways to do things and still get the same results. We just talked about it and she said she was sorry . I started understanding her more because of our talked and she let go about of wanting perfection. Never a problem with caring for the child.
Describe any previous child care emergencies
I have not had any major emergencies. The only thing was high temperatures, skinned knees and throwing up. Easy to handle.
How often do you go on vacation?
I don't go on vacation to often, but I do have one planned in September. Going on a cruise for seven days. September 14-21
What do you do when you are sick?
Truthfully I rarely get sick. I actually have to pretend I'm sick just to take a day off to refresh.
If your asking if friends, family, acquaintances come over while I work the answer is No never. My job is to care for your children not to socialize with others to take away from your child.
References Available Upon Request

Written Interview
Why did you become a nanny?
Children have always been a passion of mine. I have wanted to be a teacher ever since I was a little girl. I started babysitting nephews and family friend's children occasionally when I was 11. My first Day care job was when I was 16. After working at the day care I started as a nanny and have been a nanny ever since! I am still aspiring to become an elementary school teacher! I love spending time with my nieces and nephews and now my baby girl!
If the roles were reversed, what would that look like?
If I was hiring a nanny for my daughter I would look for someone that is warm and kind but can also help teach her and guide her. I would want someone reliable and had good work ethic. Someone who doesn't mind being silly. I would like someone who is organized and clean but doesn't mind getting messy doing some activities or the occasional blow out or spit up! Kids can definitely be messy so someone with a lot of patience and understanding is a must! I would like someone trustworthy and open to talk about whether they or I have any concerns or any problems occur.
Typical day for an Infant/toddler? (puzzles, reading, singing, time on mat?)
A typical day for an infant or toddler would be age appropriate activities. For example, an infant would do some tummy time, reading books to them, singing, playing with age appropriate toys, etc. Going on walks or to the park and to the library is also fun for both infants and toddlers. For toddlers doing some arts and crafts, reading, singing, dancing, playing with toys would be a typical day. Playing outside is also important. I love puzzles and incorporating learning in the activities we would do together. They are always learning! Of course there are naps and meal times and baths, etc throughout the day as well.
When do you take a break?
I normally take a break when the child is sleeping to have lunch/dinner. I would also take a break if the child is sleeping and I have completed everything I needed to do.
How/when do you utilize TV/screens?
How or when I utilize TV or screens completely depends on the family's rules. Some families allow fifteen minutes of screen time in the day, some more, and some don't allow any screens of any sort. I am comfortable not using screens at all and doing more outdoor/indoor play and activities. I am also comfortable with some screen time. I would prefer to keep screen time to a minimum to have time for other activities. Of course if the family uses screens, the occasional movie or show would be a nice treat for them! I would normally put a show or some sort of screen on so I could get dinner or something ready for them.
What is your view of disciplining a child? Manners?
The way I discipline a child is by talking to them. I try to talk them through what they feel and show them another way to handle things or offer them some other solutions. If you just tell a child no they may stop in the moment but they won't really understand why they shouldn't behave in that way and won't have the tools to choose or act better next time. I don't believe in time out. If a child gets violent then I will have them just sit and calm down. No time out though. In the passed I was caring for a three year old and she was very upset and hit her sister and was inconsolable. I tried talking to her and that wouldn't help so I asked her to please sit on the couch and when she calms down and wants to come read a book with us or talk to us she can. As far as manners, every family has different manners and ways for doing things. I try to follow the same as the family so the children have consistency.
How would you keep my child safe out in public? At home?
We would normally just sit down with each other and talk about anything that is not working out well for either nanny or employer and figure out a solution that worked for everybody.
How would you and your former employer work out any disagreements/conflicts of opinion?
The only real conflict was miscommunication of how something was to be done. The mom was a perfectionist and it was hard to please her no matter how hard you tried. She needed to let go and understand that there are different ways to do things and still get the same results. We just talked about it and she said she was sorry . I started understanding her more because of our talked and she let go about of wanting perfection. Never a problem with caring for the child.
Describe any previous child care emergencies
Luckily in all my years taking care of children there hasn't been any serious child emergencies. There have been typical days where the children are sick and there can be fevers, etc but other than that I haven't experienced any serious problems!
How often do you go on vacation?
I normally don't go on many vacations. I may go one one small vacation per year.
What do you do when you are sick?
Normally when I am sick I will let the parents know as soon as I am not feeling well and between the parents and I we can decide whether it would be best for me to still go into work or stay home.