Welcome to The Nannies & More Inc.!
We offer the fastest way to find the perfect nanny for your Family.
Our Experts take the stress off of your shoulders by finding the most qualified caregivers in your area for your family!
Call us today! (925) 263-9448

Childcare Services For The Family Of Essential Workers


We would like to do our part and offer our services to the families of essential workers. If one or both of the parents belong to this group, we are willing to provide childcare so you can focus your time and energy in the service of society. Essential critical infrastructure workers include:

● Healthcare workers and practitioners
● Media workers
● Workers in the entertainment industry
● Lawyers
● Accountants and most workers in the finance sector
● Most workers in IT
● First responders
● Workers in utility services including water, energy, and telecommunications
● Workers in transport and logistics

Other essential workers not on this list may still qualify for our childcare services, contact us and let us know your situation so we can assess how we can help you.

Our Nanny Services During The COVID-19 Pandemic

In the world’s current war against COVID-19, The Nannies Inc. would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to all essential workers who brave the potential risks and continue to save lives and serve the community. We are grateful for their sacrifices that will lead us to beat this pandemic.

With the closing of the schools and daycare, we understand the difficulty for essential workers to focus on their duties when there’s no one to look after their kids. For those working from home, having kids running around, asking questions, and getting bored can hinder productivity.

This is where our dedicated nannies come in. We all want to do our part to defeat this virus. We want to give you the peace of mind that your children are well cared for so you can be in the proper headspace to concentrate at work.


Childcare Services For The Vulnerable Individuals And Groups


We want to extend our support to the vulnerable population who are most at risk during this pandemic. To do our part to ensure your family’s well-being, we are able to provide childcare to families or households who have a member who:

● Has physical, intellectual or developmental disabilities
● Has a chronic health condition or immunocompromised, including but not limited to asthma, chronic lung disease, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, liver disease, heart condition, cancer, and others
● Has an existing illness or injury or recovering
● Is not English speaking or has low proficiency

If you feel that your family belongs to the vulnerable group, let us know of your current situation so we can arrange for the best childcare support you may need.

Accessible Live-In Childcare For All Families


In compliance with the Governor’s orders to Stay at Home, we can provide childcare support to any family outside of the essential workers or vulnerable category on a live-in basis. Our dedicated nannies consider their workplaces their second homes. For them to comply with the orders, they will be living in your home while caring for your children. This may be temporarily or long-term depending on your requirements.

CDC Recommendations And COVID-19 Safety Policies


Our responsible nannies act in accordance with the practices recommended by the CDC, including:

● 6-feet social distancing whenever possible
● Staying at home when feeling any symptom of an illness
● Sneezing or coughing in tissues that are disposed of immediately
● Regular hand washing for 20 seconds using soap and water
● Regularly disinfecting the most touched objects and surfaces in the house like doorknobs and handrails

To do our part in preventing the spread of the virus and protecting both the members of your home and our nannies, we cannot provide our services if any of the following situations arise in your household:

● A person living in the house has a positive test result for COVID-19 in the last 14 days
● A person living in the house has been instructed to self-isolate by health, school, or workplace authorities.
● A person living in the house has been in a foreign country with at least Level 2 Travel Health Notice in the last 14 days.
● A person living in the house is showing symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 14 days. Symptoms include fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. We can only provide or resume service sooner if the COVID test result comes back negative.


For families with a diagnosed COVID-19 case, our services can resume once medical clearance has been issued.

With new information regarding COVID-19 developing fast, and Stay at Home orders changing accordingly, we encourage our clients to seek their own legal and medical advice to best protect their families. We are committed to complying with government orders to stay at home and social distance, while providing the childcare that you need as much as possible. We continue to monitor new emerging information and provide assistance to our nannies and clients.

We will get through this together. Contact us now and let us know how we can assist you with your childcare needs during these trying times.

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